A Guide to the Olga A. Hernandez Papers, 2003-2013
A Collection in The Fairfax County Public Library
Record Group Number MSS 06-97
City of Fairfax Regional Library
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Preferred Citation
Olga A. Hernandez Papers, MSS 06-97, Virginia Room, Fairfax County Public Library
Acquisition Information
Donated by Olga A. Hernandez in February 2018
Processing Information
Jessica Koenig, April 2018
EAD generated by Ross Landis, 2024
Historical and Biographical Information
Born in Cuba, but raised in Miami, Florida, Olga A. Hernandez became a naturalized citizen at 18. She graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in broadcast journalism. She moved to Virginia in 1995, and has been involved with the League of Women Voters of Virginia for more than 20 years. She became a board member of the League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area in 1996, and served as its president from 2000 to 2005. From 2005 to 2007, she served as the vice president and director of the League of Women Voters of Virginia. In 2007, she was elected president of the League of Women Voters of Virginia, an office held for four years. During her role as president, she moderated the Women's Roundtable meetings during the General Assembly sessions. She has organized statewide televised gubernatorial and US Senate debates as well as debates and forums for local elections in the Fairfax area.
In 2005, Hernandez was appointed to the Fairfax County Virginia 2007 Community Citizen Planning Committee, acting as the representative from the League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area and served on the Public Information Subcommittee. The committee was formed as part of the Virginia 2007 Community Program, a statewide initiative launched as part of the Jamestown 2007 project commemorating the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown. The committee was tasked with developing and implementing projects and activities to enhance awareness of the county’s role in the history of Virginia and the nation. Signature projects resulting from the committee’s efforts included publication of Fairfax County Stories 1607-2007, a legacy book of essays written by county residents on events, localities, and subjects of historical significance in the county from 1607 to 2007; production of a series of 10 one-minute public service announcements in collaboration with Fairfax County Government Television Channel 16, highlighting important events and figures in the county’s history; planting of several cherrybark oak seedlings on the grounds of the Fairfax County Government Center, grown from seeds collected on Jamestowne Island; and a Jamestown exhibit displayed at the Fairfax County Government Center.
Hernandez was actively involved in the fight for non-partisan redistricting in Virginia for decades. Most recently, she worked with the non-profit OneVirginia2021 as a representative of the League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area to educate the public about “gerrymandering,” the process by which the sitting legislature draws district lines to pack voters into districts in a way that ensures incumbents keep their seats.
Hernandez was also involved in a number of efforts to prevent restrictions and barriers to voter registration and access, including serving as the representative for the League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area on the Fairfax County Bipartisan Election Process Improvement Commission. The commission was created by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors following the November 2012 election, which experienced long voting lines and other issues that can restrict voter access. The commission was charged with improving the county’s election process by evaluating voting precinct locations, size, parking, and space; equipment number, type, and compliance with industry standards; number and processes for identification and training of election workers; processes for approval and assignment of election officials; and the county’s absentee voting policy. The commission presented a final report to the Board of Supervisors on March 19, 2013.
Hernandez served on the Help America Vote Act committee for Virginia, the Virginia State Board of Elections Residency Task Force, and state Census Complete Count Committee. She was an officer of the Virginia Coalition for Open Government and the League of Women Voters of the National Capital Area and served on various community committees. She worked extensively with Girl Scouts USA, various PTA organizations, military community groups, and other non-profit and volunteer efforts. Hernandez was recognized by the Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations as the 2015 Fairfax County Citizen of the Year for her extensive and diverse volunteer efforts, including efforts to make Fairfax and Virginia residents more informed voters.
Scope and Content
The Olga A. Hernandez Papers consist of 0.75 linear feet and span the years 2003-2013. The collection contains correspondence; committee and commission member lists; meeting agendas and summaries; work plans; working papers, and reports; newsletters; and other working papers from her involvement with the Fairfax County Citizen Planning Committee and Fairfax County Bipartisan Election Process Improvement Commission. Subjects include Fairfax County Citizen Planning Committee participation in the Virginia 2007 Community Program and Jamestown 2007; Fairfax County Bipartisan Election Process Improvement Commission; and events and statistics of the November 2012 election in Fairfax County.
Series 1: Virginia 2007 Community Program - Fairfax County Citizen Planning Committee, 2003-2007, Box 1
This series contains materials relating to Hernandez’s involvement with the Fairfax County Citizen Planning Committee as part of the Virginia 2007 Community Program. Items include committee meeting agendas and summaries; committee membership lists; committee work plans and timelines; the final committee report; correspondence; newsletters, background information, and brochures for the Jamestown 2007 and Virginia 2007 programs; press releases; news articles and coverage; a program from the Reston Chorale “Foundations of Freedom” Program; materials from the Virginia 2007 Community Program annual meeting; a photocopy of the Virginia 2007 Community Program Certificate of Recognition; and a list of Virginia 2007 themed months.
Series 2: Bipartisan Election Process Improvement Commission, 2012-2013, Box 2
This series contains materials relating to Hernandez’s involvement with the Bipartisan Election Process Improvement Commission. Documents include background information on topics related to voting issues, including statistics, procedures, and summaries on election officers, provisional ballots, absentee voting, voter registration, voting machines, pollbooks, and election returns; a brochure on laws about voting in Fairfax County; comments received from the public, poll workers, and election officers and chiefs on issues encountered or witnessed while voting during the November 2012 election; the letter and introduction packet appointing Olga Hernandez to the commission; a list of commission members; agendas and summaries of commission meetings; draft and final versions of the commission’s report to the Board of Supervisors; the commission’s work plan and schedule; the Fairfax County Electoral Board’s report documenting their response to the commission’s recommendations; background information on election officers, such as duties, recruitment efforts, training, and salary; background information on the use of school as polling places, such as relevant regulations and building statistics for high schools and middle schools in the county; background information on and recommendations from the Office of Elections; agendas and attached information for public hearings related to amendments to county codes on election precincts and absentee voting satellite locations; and a Quick Reference to Problems guide issued by the State Board of Elections.
Separated Material
Index Terms
- Elections - Virginia - Fairfax County
- Fairfax County 2007 Community Citizen Planning Committee
- Fairfax County Bipartisan Election Process Improvement Commission
- Hernandez, Olga A.
- Jamestown 2007
- Virginia 2007 Community Program
Container List
Box 1 Folder 1: 2007 Legacy Book Submissions, Undated
Box 1 Folder 2: Committee Meeting Agendas and Summaries, 2005 January-2007 October
Box 1 Folder 3: Committee Membership Lists, 2006 January-2006 April
Box 1 Folder 4: Committee Report to Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, 2007 November
Box 1 Folder 5: Committee Work Plans, 2005 July-2006 January
Box 1 Folder 6: Committee Work Plan Timelines, 2004 July-2006 January
Box 1 Folder 7: Correspondence, 2006 February-2006 October
Box 1 Folder 8: Correspondence - Appointment as Committee Member, 2005 June-2006 July
Box 1 Folder 9: Jamestown 2007 and Virginia 2007 Background Information, 2005 January
Box 1 Folder 10: Jamestown 2007 and Virginia 2007 Brochures, Undated
Box 1 Folder 11: Jamestown 2007 Newsletters, 2003-2004
Box 1 Folder 12: Jamestown 2007 Steering Committee Annual Report, 2005
Box 1 Folder 13: News and Media, 2003 September-2007 July
Box 1 Folder 14: Press Releases, 2003 October-2006 April
Box 1 Folder 15: Reston Chorale “Foundations of Freedom” Program, 2007 May
Box 1 Folder 16: Virginia 2007 Community Program Annual Meeting Materials, 2006 January
Box 1 Folder 17: Virginia 2007 Community Program Certificate of Recognition [photocopy], Undated
Box 1 Folder 18: Virginia 2007 Themed Months, Undated
Box 2 Folder 1: Background Information on Voting Issues, 2013 February
Box 2 Folder 2: Brochure on Laws about Voting in Fairfax County, Undated
Box 2 Folder 3: Comments on Voting Issues during November 2012 Election, 2012 November-2013 February
Box 2 Folder 4: Commission Appointment Information, 2012 November-2012 December
Box 2 Folder 5: Commission Members, 2012 December
Box 2 Folder 6: Commission Meeting Agendas and Summaries, 2013 January-2013 March
Box 2 Folder 7: Commission Report to the Board of Supervisors (Draft and Final), 2013 March
Box 2 Folder 8: Commission Work Plan and Schedule, Undated
Box 2 Folder 9: Fairfax County Electoral Board Response to Commission Recommendations, 2014 May
Box 2 Folder 10: Information on Election Officers, 2013 February
Box 2 Folder 11: Information on Schools as Polling Places, Undated
Box 2 Folder 12: Office of Elections Background and Recommendations, 2013 February
Box 2 Folder 13: Public Hearing Agendas, 2012 January; 2012 July
Box 2 Folder 14: State Board of Elections Quick Reference to Problems Guide, 2012 September