A Guide to the Warren County (Va.) Register of Marriages, 1850-1913
A Collection in
the Library of Virginia
Collection numbers: Barcode number 1096545/Warren County (Va.) Reel 16
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© 2009 By The Library of Virginia. All Rights Reserved.
Processed by: Callie Lou Freed
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions.
Use Restrictions
Use microfilm copy, Warren County (Va.) Reel 16.
Preferred Citation
Warren County (Va.) Register of Marriages, 1850-1913. Warren County (Va.) Reel 16, Local government records collection, Warren County Court Records. The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Acquisition Information
This original volume came to the Library of Virginia in a shipment of court papers from Warren County.
The microfilm copy of this volume, Reel 16, was generated by the Genealogical Society of Utah while filming in the Warren County Circuit Court Clerk's Office.
Historical Information
Warren County was formed from Shenandoah and Frederick Counties in 1836. The county was named for Joseph Warren, of Massachusetts, the revolutionary patriot who sent Paul Revere and William Dawes on their famous rides and who was killed at the Battle of Bunker Hill.
Prior to 1853, when the Commonwealth began recording vital statistics, Virginia marriages were recorded at the county or city level. Beginning in 1661, in order to be married by license, the groom was required to go before the county clerk and give bond with security that there was no lawful reason to prevent the marriage. Written consent from a parent or guardian was needed for individuals younger than twenty-one years. The license, issued then by the clerk, was given to the minister who performed the service. Once the service was performed, the minister submitted a return to the county clerk. The county clerk recorded these returns along with other marriage records, such as bonds, certificates and licenses, in a marriage register.
According to Virginia law, individuals under the age of twenty-one needed the consent of a parent or guardian to marry. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, officials were especially concerned about females under the age of 16 marrying without consent. County clerks were not authorized to issue a marriage license without certificate (permission) from the parent, master or guardian. In the nineteenth century, a parent or guardian could give consent verbally to the clerk of the court, or provide written consent in front of one to two witnesses; the consent was then delivered to the county clerk.
The original material, from which this volume was compiled, was created by the County Clerk.
Scope and Content
Warren County (Va.) Register of Marriages, 1850-1913, is a list of marriages celebrated in the county and recorded by the county clerk. From 1850-1852 and 1899-1912, the clerk noted only the date of marriage and the full name of both parties. From 1853-1898, the clerk sometimes recorded extra information such as the condition of the parties, the age of the parties, how consent was given, the names of the parents and any aliases. In 1913, the clerk noted the date and place of marriage, the full names of the parties, the race of the parties, age and condition of parties before marriage, birth places and residence of parties, names of parents, occupation of husband and by whom married. Marriages between "free persons of color" or "colored" individuals are recorded from 1852-1912. Loose consents (seventeen in number) are found in the volume--ranging from undated to 1893-1913. These consents are not found on Reel 16.
Arranged by month and year.
Related Material
Additional Warren County Marriage Records can be found on microfilm at the Library of Virginia. Consult "A Guide to Virginia County and City Records on Microfilm."
Index Terms
- Warren County (Va.) Circuit Court.
- African Americans--Marriage--Virginia--Warren County.
- African Americans--Virginia--Warren County.
- Clergy--Virginia--Warren County.
- Free African Americans--Marriage--Virginia--Warren County.
- Free African Americans--Virginia--Warren County.
- Marriage--Virginia--Warren County.
- Occupations--Virginia--Warren County.
- Warren County (Va.)--History.
- Local government records--Virginia--Warren County.
- Marriage consents--Virginia--Warren County.
- Marriage records--Virginia--Warren County.
- Marriage registers--Virginia--Warren County.
- Warren County (Va.) County Court.